1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” This Bible verse personifies the life of sweet Naomi Grace whose legacy continues to serve others through community outreach and water-safety educational opportunities. Although her life was cut short by a tragic drowning accident, it was impactful. She extended the lives of several other children through organ donation, with her mother who started “Naomi’s Grace” foundation that educates families on the importance of swim lessons and pool safety.

Naomi Grace’s 3rd Annual Fun Run had energy that was palpable as the DJ pumped-up the crowd while the Zumba instructor led the participants in stretching and exercises. There were food trucks, vendors for health wellness and physical fitness. Jessica Guderian spoke about Naomi Grace and started the runners to the line for a 5k to honor this amazing organization and bring awareness.
1st Classen Physical Therapy believes in bringing community awareness and educational support for the prevention of pediatric drowning. We are grateful for a day of JOY as we remembered Naomi Grace and the way God shines His grace through her legacy. We offered Jumping Jack competition for physical health awareness and issued 2 official Stanley cups to the winners of the most jumps in 1 minute. The runner ups received gift cards and shirts for their participation.
For more information on how to get involved in continuing community education and bringing hope to the families of drowning victims, join our group of volunteers for next year’s annual Fun Run or the yearly Splash Bash by visiting www.naomisgracetx.org. Shine brightly, Naomi Grace!